El Capítulo de Galicia ha organizado con el apoyo de la Armada Portuguesa y nuestros cofrades de Portugal una visita al Buque Escuela Creoula que estará en el puerto de Vigo (España) el día 5 de julio. Todos los cofrades y amigos CEV que quieran asistir así como sus invitados han de comunicarlo a la Cofradía. Ese día tendrá lugar una entrega de diplomas de Amigos CEV.
The Chapter of Galicia has organized with the support of the Portuguese Navy and our members from Portugal a visit to Ship Creoula in its stop on the port of Vigo (Spain) on 5 July. All the members of the ESF and ESF friends who want to participate and their guests must inform to the Fraternity. That day will be a presentation a event of new Friends of the ESF.
El próximo 5 de Julio a las 17:00 en el Puerto de Vigo (España) tendrán lugar una serie de actos en el Buque Escuela Creoula. Esta buque de 1937 inicialmente se dedicaba a la pesca del bacalao hasta que pasó a la Armada Portuguesa. Su comandante actual es CFR da Cruz Martins.
Este buque va a desarrollar gracias a un convenio entre la Camara Muncipal de Ilhavo y la Armada Portuguesa, entre los días 30 de junio y 8 de julio de 2015, “Experiências de Mar” a cerca de 150 personas. La Cofradía considera esta como una buena práctica interesante para desarrollar en otras regiones y países.
El programa de actos será:
16:45 h. La delegación de la Cofradía Europea de la Vela se concentraría en los exteriores del buque para preparar el embarque. Cuando se conozca el muelle de amarre se comunicará a los inscritos.
17:00-17:30 h. Visita oficial y guiada al Buque a todos los asistentes.
17:30 -18:00 h. Acto oficial de entrega de Diplomas Amigo de la Cofradía Europea de la Vela y entrega de obsequio al Comandante del Buque Creoula con motivo de la visita de la Cofradía Europea de la Vela al Buque.
El acto está limitado para un máximo de 50 personas entre las que se encuentran los nuevos Amigos CEV y sus invitados. Por ello se ruega formalizar la inscripción enviando un correo a secretaria@eurocofradevela.com lo antes posible para reservar plaza.
Mas información de esta iniciativa de la Cámara Municipal de Ilhavo (Portugal): http://www.cm-ilhavo.pt/frontoffice/pages/5?news_id=1701 y sobre el Museo Marítimo de Ilhavo http://www.museumaritimo.cm-ilhavo.pt/
The Chapter of Galicia has organized with the support of the Portuguese Navy and our members from Portugal a visit to Ship Creoula in its visit the port of Vigo (Spain) on 5 July. All the members of the ESF and ESF friends who want to participate and their guests must inform to the Fraternity. That day will be a presentation a event of new Friends of the ESF.
The next 5 of July at 17:00 at the Port of Vigo (Spain) will be a series of events on the Ship Creoula. This ship of 1937 initially was engaged in cod fishing until it passed to the Portuguese Navy. Its commander is CFR Martins da Cruz.
The activities of the Creoula to promote maritime culture has been develop thanks to an agreement between the Muncipality of Ilhavo (Portugal) and the Portuguese Navy on the framework of the Experiences of the Sea between June 30 and July 8, 2015 with about 150 people. The Fraternity thinks that iniciativa as an interesting good practice to develop in other regions and countries.
The program of events will be:
16:45 h. The delegation of the European Sailing Fraternity will be on the exterior of the ship to prepare the boarding. When mooring pier is known for the Fraternity will be communicated to the registered members in the event.
17: 00-17: 30 h. Official visit and tour of the ship to all attendees.
17:30 -18: 00 h. Official ceremony of Friends of the European Sailing Fraternity and gift to the Creoula Ship Commander with the occasion of the visit of the European Sailing Fraternity to the Ship.
The event is limited to a maximum of 50 people among which are the new ESF Friends and their guests. Therefore please formalize the registration sending an email to mailto:secretaria@eurocofradevela.com as soon as possible to reserve a place.
More information about this initiative of the Municipality of Ilhavo (Portugal): http://www.cm-ilhavo.pt/frontoffice/pages/5?news_id=1701 and the Maritime Museum of Ilhavo: www.museumaritimo.cm-ilhavo.pt