El mes de septiembre tuvo lugar una reunión de cofrades de varios capítulos en los que destaca la visita de Carlo Rolandi, expresidente de la Federación Italiana de Vela por primera vez a Oporto como cofrade. Por Paraguay asistió Pablo Leiro, que deseaba mejorar la relaciones entre su país y los demás que forman parte de la cofradía.
Por ello, han elaborado y remitido las siguientes reseñas de la reunión.
Reseña de Pablo Leiro
Estimados miembros de la Cofradia
Los dias 14 y 15 de setiembre se llevo a cabo en Oporto una reunion de miembros de la cofradia europea de vela presidido por su Gran Maestre Don Francisco Quiroga y secundado por la presencia de Carlo Rolandi cofrade de Italia, Pablo Leiro cofrade por Paraguay y Guilherme Guimeraens, cofrade del Capitulo de Porto, y Luis Bolibar del Capitulo de Galicia.
Dichos días sirvieron como un encuentro de familiarizacion de los cofrades de tan distintos y lejanos países anticipando lo que será la ceremonia de investidura de marzo 2014 en Santiago de Compostela, ceremonia en la que se procedera a la investidura de los nuevos cofrades.
Teniendo como guía al cofrade.Guilherme Guimeraens de oporto, los cofrades pudieron recorrer y apreciar las distintas bellezas que la ciudad de Oporto brinda a sus visitantes habiendo visitado el Club Portuense, la Librería Leao y la casa donde nació el infante Don Enrique el Navegante. También el centro de la ciudad, la marina de Oporto y los Clubes Náuticos asentados en ella todo esto dentro de un ambiente de camaraderia y servicios de primer nivel donde fue posible degustar las delicias culinarias de Portugal a traves de sus mas variados y cálidos restaurantes.
La jornada fue propicia también para discutir la problemática de la vela en Iberoamerica y los futuros proyectos para afianzar aun mas a la Cofradia como faro de los navegantes en esta parte del mundo.
Pablo Leiro Murdoch
Reseña de Carlo Rolandi
Caro Paco,
Rientrato a Napoli desidero ringraziare ancora una volta te,Guillermo e Bolivar per averci fatto trascorrere a Oporto una splendida giornata, facendoci vedere cose meravigliose che mai avremmo potuto vedere da soli.
In ricordo ti allego alcune foto prese insieme pregandoti di farle avere anche a Guillermo e Bolivar.
Anche da parte di Laura un grazie molto sentito ed arrivederci alla prossima riunione della Cofradia.
Con molti affettuosi saluti.
Carlo Rolandi
In Septemer there was a meeting of brothers of several chapters in Porto. It was to highlight that this is the first time that Carlo Rolandi as Brother and president of the Italian Sailing Federation visit Porto. Pablo Leiro from Paraguay wanted to improve relations between his country and others that are part of the brotherhood.
Therefore, they have prepared and sent the following reviews of the meeting.
Review of Pablo Leiro
Dear members of the Cofradia,
On 14 and 15 September was held in Porto a meeting of members of the European Fraternity chaired by the Grand Master Don Francisco Quiroga and seconded by the presence of Carlo Rolandi brother of Italy, Pablo Leiro brother by Paraguay and Guilherme Guimerães , Brother of the Chapter of Porto, and Luis Bolibar from the Chapter of Galicia.
These days served as a familiarization meeting of the brothers of diverses countries and a preparation of the Investiture Ceremony in Santiago de Compostela in March 2014 , where the new Brother will be invest as members of the Fraternity..
Guided by the cofrade, Guilherme Guimeraens of Porto, the brothers were able to go and see the different beauties that the city of Oporto offers to the visitors. The group visited the Club Portuense , the Library of Leao and the birthplace of Prince Enrique the Navigator. Also the city center, the marina of Porto and the Yacht Clubs were visited all of it within an atmosphere of camaraderie and first class services. It was possible to taste the culinary delights of Portugal through its most varied and warm restaurants.
Also the day was propitious to discuss the problems of the sail in Iberomerica and future projects to strengthen even more the Cofradia as a beacon for sailors in this part of the world.
Pablo Leiro Murdoch
Review of Carlo Rolandi
Dear Paco,
I have returned to Naples and I would like give thanks to Guillermo, Bolivar and you once again, specially for letting us spend a wonderful day in Porto, and letting us see the wonderful things that we could never see yourself.
In remembrance I am attaching some photos taken together and also I beg you to give them to Guillermo and Bolivar.
Even, Laura give you thanks and she waits to see you at the next meeting of the Fraternity.
With many affectionate greetings.
Carlo Rolandi